Professional and Affordable
Whether you require the rejuvenation of a single-story home, driveway, walkway, or a multi-level complex, we possess the expertise to eliminate rust, oil stains, mineral deposits, and an array of other unsightly contaminants. In a matter of just a few hours, we can restore your entire house to its former glory. This involves the removal of moss and dirt buildup from your roof, pressure cleaning the exterior of your home, all while ensuring a thorough rinse that instantly enhances your home’s curb appeal.
Needing a more elaborate service? Our industrial-grade pressure washing services encompass a wide spectrum of tasks, including the elimination of cobwebs, dirt, and various contaminants, all executed in a secure, efficient, and cost-efficient manner. Whatever the job calls for, our dedicated technicians are both punctual and passionate about catering to your specific needs.
Our state-of-the-art pressure washing equipment is versatile and even capable of graffiti removal. We take pride in using top-notch equipment to deliver unmatched service quality. Furthermore, we have a wide array of high-quality power washing cleaning supplies at our disposal, specially formulated to effectively eliminate oil and rust stains, particularly in concrete cleaning projects.
At Drake Services, our commitment is to consistently surpass your expectations in every aspect of the services we offer. With our cutting-edge equipment, premium supplies, and technical expertise, we provide the ultimate service experience for our clients.

Our Complete List of Services
Below you will find our most commonly offered services. If you are needing a service that you don’t see listed below, please give us a call at (951) 736-2142.